Monday, March 2, 2009

Drive Traffic to Your Blog Using Entrecard

Entrecard is a free blogging network with 13,000+ blogs. Not only does Entrecard bring visitors to your blog but by becoming a member of Entrecard you can advertise your blog on any site within the network for free.

It is so easy to get started, and if you are anything like me, (a little technologically challenged), the site is extremely user friendly. After signing up, you create your Entrecard using any image you want. Your Entrecard is essentially a 125x125 business card you use to promote your site within the network and it is also the ad seen on the sites you advertise on. You want your Entrecard to draw visitors to your site, so choose an image with 'clickability'. If you don't have an image you want to use, Entrecard provides links to a few sites where you can get custom images. Click here to go to the page that will give you those links.

After you have created your 'business card', you then place the Entrecard widget on your blog. The widget is what visitors to your site will use to drop their card for you. It is also where they will advertise their site on your blog. When members advertise on your site, it will earn you credits.

Okay, now lets talk about credits. Earlier I said that advertising was free, well that's not exactly true. Entrecard uses a currency they call Entrecard Credits or EC's. You earn 1 credit every time you drop your card on any members blog. You can earn up to 300 credits a day. You also earn 1 credit when someone drops their card on your blog (there is no limit as to how many you earn per day). You earn 25 credits for each new blog post you add to your site, with a maximum of 1 payment every 3 days and then there are also contests you can enter to win credits and you can even buy credits if you want.

Advertising with Entrecard is a breeze. The advertising price is shown below each members card, and if your have enough EC's to cover it, you just click on the 'advertise' link. That's it - no joke.

Entrecard has just recently opened a market, which I think is totally cool. You use your credits to purchase anything from physical goods to advertising. Since I'm on the subject of the marketplace, I want to take this opportunity to tell you about some awesome lip balms I purchased using some of my EC's.

I received 3 different flavors and each one was better than the last. I'm usually not a big fan of lipstick or putting anything on my lips because everything I have ever tried either feels too heavy or too goopy. But these balms are awesome. They are so smooth and light. I am totally a new fan. Go see Jenelle at her blog Living Botanical and you definitely have to visit her Etsy shop Organic Couture

Okay, so I highly recommend Entrecard not only because it is a fast and easy way to drive traffic to your blog but it is also an awesome way to find new and exciting blogs you otherwise might not have found.


SortaFlowering Designs

Wow Candi- what a great informative break-down of how entrecard works- nice! Thanks also for mentioning my Lip Balms- so glad that you are enjoying them =) Jenelle

Beadin By The Sea

Thanks for sharing this info. I have heard of Entrecard and looked briefly at the site, but maybe I'll go give it a closer inspection!


Thanks for sharing! I checked it out a little bit, and I think I'm going to look into it further. I just need to come up with a clicable card hehe.

Baroness Bijoutery

Great information as always. I just joined Project Wonderful this weekend. Now I will have to look into Entrecard...Thanks for all the great info.


thanks so much for the information!! I'll definitely be checking this out :) I need to start doing tutorials again... By the way, I'm trying a new BNR idea in the forums and put your blog on the list! Come check it out here:


Hi there! Yup! See, we met each other through Entrecard. ^^

I have read about the new EC market, but just got there because of this article. thanks!

I wonder what products I can buy. I only have a thousand credits. hehe


Great post about Entrecard and social networking. Take a look at my new music video: Social Networking Blues



I love Entrecard. Great write up about it. I just ordered those same lip balms today with my credits, can't wait to get them!