Check Out This Weeks Featured Seller
I am a proud dog owner. I have two Boston Terriers and a Dalmation who are just as much a part of my family as my daughter is. When I visited this weeks featured sellers shop, not only was I in awe of her obvious talent, but I thought her work was such a great way to display the love you have for that furry family member. It is my pleasure to introduce you to....
1. Why don’t you start by telling us your name and when and how you got starting crafting?
My name is Seann Vicente. I have always loved to draw, but just started painting a few years ago. I was a Biology/Chemistry major in college, and never really took any painting classes, but I loved to paint to help me relax during my busy schedule.
2. Where do you draw your inspiration from?
I love color, so I like to pick the pictures with the most personality and just accentuate that with bright colors!
3. Do you ever get in a creative slump? And, if so, what do you do to pull yourself out of it?
Not really, I do mostly commissioned work, so the clients keep me busy :)
4. How many hours a day do you devote to your craft?
It depends on how many orders I have, or if I have a gallery opening coming up that I need to supply new paintings for. I paint very quickly but the paperwork (invoices, organizing prints, sending emails) takes much longer. Maybe 3-5 hours a day?
5. Do you have a job outside the home or is your online business your full-time job?
Yup I am working right now, and plan on going back to Vet school in the next year.
6. Do you sell anywhere else in addition to Etsy?
I have my own personal website where I do most of my custom work. Etsy is more for prints. I also have a few galleries up in Colorado.
7. What would you say is the most difficult thing about having an online shop and what have you done to overcome it?
When you are online, you get a lot of traffic, and not everyone is serious about purchasing. So it was kind of hard at first when people would string me a long for a few days and then nothing would come of it. But I have gotten used to that now and just go with the flow :)
8. What are your long term goals for your shop/craft?
I'm not sure. I never really considered myself an artist and were kind of surprised when people wanted to buy my stuff! So I am still figuring that out! I guess when I am a vet I would still like to paint and maybe display my stuff in my office :)9. Do you do custom orders?
10. Where would you say has been the most helpful place in finding information to help run your shop on Etsy? The forums, the help guides, other sellers’ blogs?
Forums, there are a lot of nice people out there willing to help!
11. If you could give one piece of advice to someone thinking about opening a shop on Etsy, what would it be?
Just be patient. It can be a little frustrating when you open shop and don't make any sales for a few weeks, or even longer. Just stick with it and promote promote promote!
Not only was Seann kind enough to answer my questions, she also took the time to give us a little behind the scenes look at what her life is like on an everyday basis :)
I get up, take my doggies out for walks and then go to work. I get home at 4 play with the pups (2 chihuahuas) and then go to the gym for a swim. Then my husband normally cooks dinner and we all just snuggle up for the evening after I finish up a few hours working on my website or painting. here are my babies!
You can also find Seann on Flickr: and her personal website:
I want to thank Seann again for letting us get to know her and her beautiful shop. Go visit her shop and take a look at all of her beautiful artwork.